Dope 66

Building Motivation and Habits doesn’t have to be HARD!!

What if you could create Dopamine all day long?

You can't kill a bad habit; you have to flood it with dopamine to build a new good habit.

It takes a neurodivergent brain 66 days to start a new lifelong habit.

That all combined brings you Dope 66!

Creating motivation doesn’t have to be HARD.

The Only Program that encourages Micro-Changes without the Overwhelm

We have had clients ask if we knew of an alternative to this famous "HARD" program.

Overwhelmed, ADHD, ASD, PTSD or just burnt out brains probably can’t handle doing a HARD mental and physical toughness program for75 days. The problem is many feel shamed into doing these program and then they are setting themselves up for purposeful failure and defeat. But at the same time, I looked at it and thought... Why can't a brain like ours have its own version??? 

So with one question to my side kick Vida and 2 hours later Dope 66 was born!

This program helps you create dopamine all day long (you know the thing that is our motivation factor that the neurodivergent brain is missing).

Join us for this free 66 Day Challenge!

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